Friday, May 24, 2019
Overnutrition and Undernutrition
Over regimen and undernutrition Bew ar of dieting crazes Sunday Telegraph 13. 02. 05 Question 1 What is meant by the term frenzy diet? Fad diets ar eating programs that are genuinely unbalanced, ill and do non provide enough nutrition for the consistence. The people that follow fad diets lead eventually incur malnourished under nutrition. Fad diets are created usually for heaviness losing purposes Question 2 point 3 fad diets and outline the features of distributively. -Cabbage Soup victuals The cabbage soup diet is about overpowering a low kilogram calorie cabbage soup over seven days.It is considered as fad diet be perk up it is designed for short-term burden- firing that requires no considerable-term sensual activities. The diet shoots a soup in which the ingredients are close toly vegetarian. It is claimed to lose about 4. 5 kg in a week but run aground on diet experts, most of the weight loss are water. -Three Day Diet The one-third day diet is now one of the most frequent short-term diets. The diet contains a guide for three days with low flump, salt and calorie meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is precise unhealthy as its lack of carbohydrates and protein.Therefore it is not recommended to be used any more than than three days. -Grapefruit Diet The grapefruit diet, besides known as the Hollywood Diet is a short-term fad diet that has existed in the United States since 1930s. It involves eating half a grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice with each meal and significantly reduce the calorie intake, often under 800 calories per day. Like all others fad diets, it is not recommended for regular use. Question 3 Celebrities get under ones skin access to additional re comes, to maintenance them in achieving weight loss, that are not generally available to add up person. What are they? approximately celebrities are very rich. They can have access to many different resources that alleviate them achieving weight loss. A com mon example is personal trainer. The trainers are dietary and weight loss professional that knows many efficient ways and helpful tips that go forth help training, exercising and having a diet more effective than normal. Another source that leave aid them is expensive exercising machinery. With these machines, the exercises pull up stakes become more complicated and therefore, burnt more calories. Question 4 Explain wherefore fad diets particularly the low carbohydrate diets, are damaging for children.Fad diets usually contain low or even non-carbohydrate diets which are very bad and can even cause fatal disease if it is used over a long period of date. As a child engender up, carbohydrate is the most essential and important mineral needed for the organic structure to fully function. Consuming a fad diet for a long time not only will not give the body enough energy for activities but also can slow down the growing plow and might cause the child to become abnormal compare to other child in twain height and strength. Question 5 Explain why carbohydrates are so important in our diet.Carbohydrates are very important. They run as the main source of fuel to the body. Without them, all the organs in our body whitethorn not function properly. For example, our nervous scheme cannot sustain unless is given an energy source to work, and that is of word form carbohydrates. Also, our muscles and other important organs such(prenominal) as eye need carbohydrates to keep working. If there are not enough carbohydrates then it may cause to us tiredness and will affect our chance(a) life. Question 6 What long term effects could a low carbohydrate diet have on peoples health?A low carbohydrate diet could cause close to serious illness to our body over a period of time. Some of those illnesses are deadly such as heart disease or a higher risk of cancer. Lack of carbohydrate will also cause your organs to malfunction. Examples are trim back eye sight or lung diseases . Question 7 Identify 2 sustenance allergies from which Australian normally suffer. One of the most publicised provender allergies is bigotry to peanuts, which affects about one in 200 Australian children. Peanut intolerance can become so severe that it triggers anaphylaxis, a severe allergic chemical respondion that can be fatal.Lactose intolerance is a common viands sensitivity that occurs in people who react to lactose found in milk and dairy farm farm products. Some food addictives, MSG flavour enhancer and strawberries can also cause allergies. Question 8 Investigate and evaluate one fad diet, examining the features and workable significations to health. You need to a/ Identify one fad diet. b/ Outline the features of this diet i. e. which foods are include and which foods are prohibited. c/ Discuss possible tax write-off to health. Fad diet Three Day Diet * The Three Day Diet is one of the most common fad diets around the world.It claims to reduce your weight up to 4. 5 kg after 3 days. The diet contains a plan of meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) for over 3 days with low calorie and fat foods. * Features * Inclusion of many different meals (mainly low energy snacks) like boiled eggs or crackers. * Most meals include a vegetable and fruit serve * Coffee is included a lot. * Non-sugar appetiser is also in the diet. * Milk must be rum after breakfast and dinner. * Prohibited food * net is not allowed along side with oil or fat. * Carbohydrates since it have a lot of energy. * Possible implication The consequence of this low carbohydrate diet is obvious. It may reduce your weight you will eventually end up gaining as the weight loss is largely water. Using this diet will make you become tired imputable to not enough energy is provided caused be the lacking of carbohydrates. Repeating this diet will severely damage your nervous, muscular and respiratory system of your body since they need the energy from carbohydrate. Diseases will therefore be come created and sometimes can be fatal. Factors That regularize pabulum Selection School mobile canteens forced to repair nutrition content of snacks on offer Sunday Telegraph 13. 2. 05 Question 1 List some popular foods sold in school canteens during the 1980s and 1990s. Some popular foods sold in school canteens during the 1980s and 1990s are potato chips, fizzing drinks, meat pies and lollies. Question 2 What advisory body was established to assist school canteens in implementing healthier food choices? The New South Wales School mobile canteen Association was established to assist school canteen in implementing healthier food choices. Question 3 Identify and explain the strategy that was implemented by the State Government in May 2004.The effectual School Canteen Strategy, launched in May 2004 has prohibited schools in NSW selling high-fat, high-sugar foods more than twice each term. A menu guide was established, which divides foods into three deform groupings aimed at e ncouraging canteens to serve more wholesome foods and less of the takeaway style meals. Question 4 Outline the menu guide that was established to aid the school canteens in categorising various foods. The menu that was established has three categories green, amber and red. Each colour represents a different group of food base of their nutritional values and healthiness. squirt foods in the green category should be offered abundantly, including items like bread, pasta, fruit, lean meat, chicken, fish and dairy products. -amber foods in the amber group includes pizza, low-fat muffins, pies and ice blocks that should be chosen carefully and served in smaller quantities. -Red the foods in this group are considered unhealthy, filled with sugary and butterball products. They include deep-fried food, soft drinks, lollies and cream buns. Food from this group is allowed to be served twice a term at special events, such as that tolerate day of school.Question 5 Outline the main reasons for underdeveloped this strategy. Provide statistical evidence. The main reason behind the development of this strategy is because of the obesity of many children over the entire Australia. More than 25 percent of children in Australia are overweight or obese, which is one of the highest rates of childhood obesity in the development world. This is due to the fast-food-eating habits that have been developed along side with the exploitation of many large fast food restaurants. Question 6 Design a new canteen menu for our school based on the to a higher place strategy.You need to * Include green, amber and red foods in the correct proportions * Include a variety of pertly and semi-processed * Include drinks, meals and snack. Canteen Menu The foods will be classified into category of healthiness green, amber and red. Example Food name type of food (fresh, hot food, snacks or drinks) Colour classification. Menu * aggregate pie (available with chicken, beef and vegetable) Hot food a mber * Sausage roll (medium or large) Hot food Amber * Instant noodles Hot food Amber * murphy chips Hot food Red Bread roll and vegetable soup Hot food Green * Pasta Fresh Green * Spaghetti Hot food Amber * Hot dog Hot food Green * Fruit (apple, orange, banana, mandarins) Fresh Green * angle and rice Hot food Green * potato chips snacks Snacks Amber * Burgers (available with chicken and beef) Hot food Amber * Juices (available with orange, apple and grape) Drink Green * Chocolate parallel bars (Mars, Boost and Snickers) Snacks Amber * Lasagna Hot food Amber * Water Drink Green Breakfast only * Hash browns Hot food Amber * Egg and bacon Hot food AmberOvernutrition and UndernutritionOvernutrition and undernutrition heed of diet crazes Sunday Telegraph 13. 02. 05 Question 1 What is meant by the term fad diet? Fad diets are eating programs that are genuinely unbalanced, unhealthy and do not provide enough nutrition for the body. The people that fol low fad diets will eventually become malnourished under nutrition. Fad diets are created usually for weight losing purposes Question 2 Identify 3 fad diets and outline the features of each. -Cabbage Soup Diet The cabbage soup diet is about consuming a low calorie cabbage soup over seven days.It is considered as fad diet because it is designed for short-term weight-loss that requires no long-term physical activities. The diet contains a soup in which the ingredients are mostly vegetarian. It is claimed to lose about 4. 5 kg in a week but base on diet experts, most of the weight loss are water. -Three Day Diet The three day diet is now one of the most popular short-term diets. The diet contains a guide for three days with low fat, salt and calorie meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is very unhealthy as its lack of carbohydrates and protein.Therefore it is not recommended to be used anymore than three days. -Grapefruit Diet The grapefruit diet, also known as the Hollywood Diet i s a short-term fad diet that has existed in the United States since 1930s. It involves eating half a grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice with each meal and significantly reduce the calorie intake, often under 800 calories per day. Like all others fad diets, it is not recommended for regular use. Question 3 Celebrities have access to additional resources, to aid them in achieving weight loss, that are not generally available to average person. What are they?Most celebrities are very rich. They can have access to many different resources that help them achieving weight loss. A common example is personal trainer. The trainers are dietary and weight loss professional that knows many efficient ways and helpful tips that will help training, exercising and having a diet more effective than normal. Another source that will aid them is expensive exercising machinery. With these machines, the exercises will become more complicated and therefore, burnt more calories. Question 4 Explain why fad diets particularly the low carbohydrate diets, are damaging for children.Fad diets usually contain low or even non-carbohydrate diets which are very bad and can even cause fatal disease if it is used over a long period of time. As a child grow up, carbohydrate is the most essential and important mineral needed for the body to fully function. Consuming a fad diet for a long time not only will not give the body enough energy for activities but also can slow down the growing process and might cause the child to become abnormal compare to other child in both height and strength. Question 5 Explain why carbohydrates are so important in our diet.Carbohydrates are very important. They serve as the main source of fuel to the body. Without them, all the organs in our body may not function properly. For example, our nervous system cannot sustain unless is given an energy source to work, and that is of course carbohydrates. Also, our muscles and other important organs such as eye need car bohydrates to keep working. If there are not enough carbohydrates then it may cause to us tiredness and will affect our daily life. Question 6 What long term effects could a low carbohydrate diet have on peoples health?A low carbohydrate diet could cause some serious illness to our body over a period of time. Some of those illnesses are deadly such as heart disease or a higher risk of cancer. Lack of carbohydrate will also cause your organs to malfunction. Examples are reduced eye sight or lung diseases. Question 7 Identify 2 food allergies from which Australian commonly suffer. One of the most publicised food allergies is intolerance to peanuts, which affects about one in 200 Australian children. Peanut intolerance can become so severe that it triggers anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that can be fatal.Lactose intolerance is a common food sensitivity that occurs in people who react to lactose found in milk and dairy products. Some food addictives, MSG flavour enhancer and st rawberries can also cause allergies. Question 8 Investigate and evaluate one fad diet, examining the features and possible implications to health. You need to a/ Identify one fad diet. b/ Outline the features of this diet i. e. which foods are included and which foods are prohibited. c/ Discuss possible implication to health. Fad diet Three Day Diet * The Three Day Diet is one of the most common fad diets around the world.It claims to reduce your weight up to 4. 5 kg after 3 days. The diet contains a plan of meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) for over 3 days with low calorie and fat foods. * Features * Inclusion of many different meals (mainly low energy snacks) like boiled eggs or crackers. * Most meals include a vegetable and fruit serve * Coffee is included a lot. * Non-sugar appetiser is also in the diet. * Milk must be drunk after breakfast and dinner. * Prohibited food * Sugar is not allowed along side with oil or fat. * Carbohydrates since it have a lot of energy. * Possible implication The consequence of this low carbohydrate diet is obvious. It may reduce your weight you will eventually end up gaining as the weight loss is mostly water. Using this diet will make you become tired due to not enough energy is provided caused be the lacking of carbohydrates. Repeating this diet will severely damage your nervous, muscular and respiratory system of your body since they need the energy from carbohydrate. Diseases will therefore become created and sometimes can be fatal. Factors That Influence Food Selection School canteens forced to improve nutrition content of snacks on offer Sunday Telegraph 13. 2. 05 Question 1 List some popular foods sold in school canteens during the 1980s and 1990s. Some popular foods sold in school canteens during the 1980s and 1990s are potato chips, fizzy drinks, meat pies and lollies. Question 2 What advisory body was established to assist school canteens in implementing healthier food choices? The New South Wales School Canteen A ssociation was established to assist school canteen in implementing healthier food choices. Question 3 Identify and explain the strategy that was implemented by the State Government in May 2004.The Healthy School Canteen Strategy, launched in May 2004 has prohibited schools in NSW selling high-fat, high-sugar foods more than twice each term. A menu guide was established, which divides foods into three colour groupings aimed at encouraging canteens to serve more wholesome foods and less of the takeaway style meals. Question 4 Outline the menu guide that was established to aid the school canteens in categorising various foods. The menu that was established has three categories green, amber and red. Each colour represents a different group of food base of their nutritional values and healthiness. Green foods in the green category should be offered abundantly, including items like bread, pasta, fruit, lean meat, chicken, fish and dairy products. -Amber foods in the amber group includes pizza, low-fat muffins, pies and ice blocks that should be chosen carefully and served in smaller quantities. -Red the foods in this group are considered unhealthy, filled with sugary and fatty products. They include deep-fried food, soft drinks, lollies and cream buns. Food from this group is allowed to be served twice a term at special events, such as that last day of school.Question 5 Outline the main reasons for developing this strategy. Provide statistical evidence. The main reason behind the development of this strategy is because of the obesity of many children over the entire Australia. More than 25 percent of children in Australia are overweight or obese, which is one of the highest rates of childhood obesity in the development world. This is due to the fast-food-eating habits that have been developed along side with the growth of many large fast food restaurants. Question 6 Design a new canteen menu for our school based on the above strategy.You need to * Include green, am ber and red foods in the correct proportions * Include a variety of fresh and semi-processed * Include drinks, meals and snack. Canteen Menu The foods will be classified into category of healthiness green, amber and red. Example Food name type of food (fresh, hot food, snacks or drinks) Colour classification. Menu * Meat pie (available with chicken, beef and vegetable) Hot food Amber * Sausage roll (medium or large) Hot food Amber * Instant noodles Hot food Amber * Potato chips Hot food Red Bread roll and vegetable soup Hot food Green * Pasta Fresh Green * Spaghetti Hot food Amber * Hot dog Hot food Green * Fruit (apple, orange, banana, mandarins) Fresh Green * Fish and rice Hot food Green * Potato chips snacks Snacks Amber * Burgers (available with chicken and beef) Hot food Amber * Juices (available with orange, apple and grape) Drink Green * Chocolate bars (Mars, Boost and Snickers) Snacks Amber * Lasagna Hot food Amber * Water Drink Green Breakf ast only * Hash browns Hot food Amber * Egg and bacon Hot food Amber
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